Sunday, January 30, 2011

Springtime Renewal

Just a few days ago I noticed the first sign of spring – the daffodils are blooming! What a beautiful sight after many cold, gray, rainy days to see the bright yellow and white flowers standing tall and proud facing upward toward the heavens. This small flower reminded me of the renewal and new growth that springtime brings. The question came to mind, “What new growth is happening in your life right now?”

In order to have new growth it is essential to live in a God-centered life. So many people profess Christianity but fail to claim the power that God promises to give us when we trust Jesus as our Lord. What is the greatest source of power in your life? Are you spending your greatest efforts, time, money, and interests on self, family, doing good things and forgetting that we can do nothing apart from God (John 15:5)? Only when we accept the anointing of God on our lives can we accomplish supernatural things that really make a difference in this world and the life to come. Author and Bible teacher Pricilla Shirer says in her study, “Friend, if you know Jesus [as Savior] you are anointed –empowered to live supernaturally for the purpose of accomplishing God’s tasks on the earth. Only believers led and enabled by God’s spirit can accomplish His plans and purposes. Our attempts may achieve stunning success in the natural realm but will not amount to much in God’s economy.” If you really want to live a meaningful life and accomplish great things you must first give your life to Jesus. He can do so much more with it than we can on our own.

If your life is surrendered to Christ, you are not free from responsibility and promised a life without difficulty. You must live with passion and patience, knowing that the Lord has equipped you for every task given to you. Do you feel like you are spinning your wheels coming up with your own ideas and mapping out your own plans for the future only to be disappointed when things don’t quiet work out like you expected? Or are you expecting God to do something greater in your life than He has ever done? Is there a freshness and excitement in your spirit that can only come when you are relying on God’s power to do what He has called you to do. Precious child, God wants to do great things through you! Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, CEO, window washer, or investment banker, God has equipped you for the task He has called you to. So live purposefully in the power given to you by His Spirit and give the best of yourself in all tasks big or small so that He will be made known in every season of your life. 

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